WEBINARS 2020 / 2021

25 October 2021 watch webinar 'HCV Cohort Research after DAAs: What questions remain and how best to answer them'? https://mediacentral.ucl.ac.uk/Play/75541

Chairs and panellists: Prof Karine Lacombe & Prof Stanislas Pol (IWHOD Scientific Committee members).

Speakers and presentation titles:

  • Dr Daniela van Santen: Progress on HCV elimination using data from the International Collaboration on Hepatitis C Elimination in HIV-Coinfection (InCHEHC)
  • Dr Maria Requena: Residual risk of death in PLWHIV after HCV cure by direct-acting antivirals: impact of individual factors and health policies
  • ​Dr Sara Lodi: Methodological issues for estimating DAA effectiveness in real world settings

12 July 2021 watch webinar 'COVID-19: the relevance of evidence to actions': https://mediacentral.ucl.ac.uk/Play/67696

Panellists: Prof Mary-Ann Davies, Prof John Gill, Prof Amy Justice & Prof Yukari Manabe (IWHOD Scientific Committee members).

Speakers and presentation titles:

  • Prof Sarah Walker: 'The UK COVID-19 Infection Survey: reflections on the path from data to inference to action'. 
  • ​Prof Dominique Costagliola: Does it make sense to compare the strategies of management of the COVID-19 epidemic in the different countries in 2020-2021?

26 April 2021 watch webinar 'How HIV has helped us respond to COVID: voices from the frontline': https://mediacentral.ucl.ac.uk/Play/63200 

Simon Collins (HIV i-base, London) interviewed HIV experts taking a lead:

  • Prof Karine Lacombe (Clinician at St Antoine Hospital, Paris) 
  • Prof Andrew Boulle (Public Health specialist at University of Cape Town, Cape Town)
  • Prof Miguel Hernan (Methodologist at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston)
  • Prof Roger Kouyos (Modeller at University Hospital, Zurich)
  • Prof Julia Del Amo (Policymaker at Ministry of Health and Social Policy, Madrid)

14 January 2021 watch Dragons’ Den: https://mediacentral.ucl.ac.uk/Player/j713HfH7

Moderators: Dr Keri Althoff, Prof Caroline Sabin (IWHOD Scientific Committee member) & Prof Jonathan Sterne (IWHOD Scientific Committee member). 

Speakers Dr Christopher Rentsch and Michael Traeger presented on the work done following methodological discussions at the last Dragons’ Den session at IWHOD 2019 as follows:

  • Dr Christopher Rentsch: Comparing methods to investigate interactions between alcohol and neurocognitively-acting medications on the risk of health outcomes. 
  • ​Michael Traeger: Effect of PrEP initiation on STI incidence among gay and bisexual men: Exploring the utility of a target trial approach using surveillance data.

16 October 2020 watch webinar: http://iwhod.org/portals/0/IWHOD Oct 2020-GSK_Tube_1080p.mp4

Chairs: Prof Marina Klein and Prof Stanislas Pol (IWHOD Scientific Committee members).

Speakers and presentation titles:

  • Dr Daniela van Santen: Estimating trends in hepatitis C incidence among individuals attending primary care clinics that specialise in the care of people who inject drugs in Australia between 2009 and 2018.
  • ​Andreea Adelina Artenie: Diversity of detention patterns among people who inject drugs and the associated risk with incident hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection: Implications for hepatitis C prevention.
  • Mathieu Chalouni: HIV co-infection direct and indirect effect on the risk of non-liver-related cancers in HCV infected participants treated by DAA.